Many historic garments were trimmed with narrow fabrics of various types. These often had different names in different periods, countries or trades. We have a range of the more commonlt encountered ones and some information on their appropriate applications.
Braid. In the context of British military uniforms this term was used for white worsted woven tape of 3/8″ width. It was used for decorating the buttonholes of Infantry Sergeants’ coats and for the feathering (piping) of Rifles Jackets etc.
Worsted Braid, 3/8″
Lace. This term was used by Military clothiers to describe the worsted woven tape of 1/2″ width used to decorate Other Ranks coats. Until 1834 they were white with various coloured stripes to indicate the Regiment. After that date they were all white for all Regiments. Other widths were made for some specialist uses such as binding Light Cavalry Shakos and for Foot Guards’ Coats which used different widths.
Worsted Lace, 1/2″
Worsted Lace, 5/8″
Russia Braid / Soutache. This is a cord of decorative thread (which can be worsted, cotton or metal, dependant on the application) wound in a figure of eight pattern round two cords which act as a linear core.
Russia Braid, 3/8″, Gold coloured Worsted.