Linen Lawn. Fine white plain weave linen with soft handle suitable for shirts and other underclothes.
118″ wide (300cm) 60/64 Ends/Picks per Inch. -
Linen Hollands. Plain weave, smooth linen with a crisp handle and natural sheen imparted by pressing. Often seen used as pocket bags and practical linings to breeches waistbands and for stays etc where more body is required, it can be shaped with the iron to assist with structural interlinings.
Available in Black, white or natural. 32″ wide (81cm)
Nankeen. Genuine vintage, hand woven cotton material with the unique texture and character resulting form the use of unimproved cotton. Used for washable summer wear breeches, pantaloons, waistcoats and ladies spencers and pelisses.
Cotton Quilting. Fine white cotton double cloth woven with a diamond pattern and filler yarns in imitation of quilted matrial. Very popular for gentlemen’s dress waistcoats for wear in warm weather.
Available in white. -
Sleeve Lining. Smooth cotton sateen with a slightly glazed surface for use as pocketing and sleeve lining.
Available in natural and black
Silk Serge. High quality, crisp bodied lining frequently used for the highest quality military uniforms and Court Dress in the C18th & C19th, specified for the linings of Flag Officers of ther Royal Navy. Although called simply ‘silk serge’ at the time it is actually a complex twill showing one broad wale and two narrow ones in each repeat, more aki to Cavalry Twill. Under development
Genoa Velvet. Superb quality silk velvet with a dense pile and unrivalled lustre. This is no longer manufactured. Used for uniforms with black facings instead of Superfine Broadcloth, notably Officers’ Dolmans of the 95th Rifles. Available in Black only.
Sarsnet. Fine silk twill used for coat linings and for ladies’ mourning dress. Available in Black only. 57″ / 145cm wide)